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Mideast Security and Policy Studies

National Cyber Strategy: Issues for Discussion

This paper raises essential issues for discussion regarding the design of Israel’s national cyber strategy. It deals with aspects related to the promotion of national cyber security and the improvement of national resilience and the private sector’s ability to cope with major attacks that have security, economic and social impact.
The paper concentrates on what the author considers to be the key issues. It neither pretends nor aims to encompass all the elements involved in formulating a national cyber

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From the Battle of Badr to Military Defeat: Changes in Hamas Perceptions of the Gaza War

The Hamas invasion of Israel on October 7, 2023 was quickly characterized by Hamas as fulfillment of a prophecy about the destruction of Israel. Hamas cast the invasion as a Palestinian version of the Battle of Badr, a battle in which a small force of Muslim believers under the command of the Prophet Muhammad succeeded in defeating a large force of Quraysh and Makkah who had opposed his prophecy. The battles of October 7 were labeled a divine victory by

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IDF Spokesperson

Five Alternatives for the Future of Gaza

In this article I will present five alternatives for the future of Gaza. Israel’s long-term strategy to ensure its continued existence entails the accomplishment of these goals: destruction of Hamas’s military capabilities, abolition of Hamas control in Gaza, and the preservation of good relations with the United States. Less core strategic considerations are the return of the abductees, the crisis on the northern front, relations within the region, and Israel’s legitimacy. The alternatives for Gaza’s future are: the Hamas option,

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IDF forces activity in the Gaza Strip. © IDF Spokesperson

The Gaza Terror Offensive – 14 May – 19 June 2024

Israel – Hamas Negotiations:
Not much has changed since the last report.
The Biden administration and the United Nations Security Council have in theory accepted Israel’s position vis-à-vis the acceptable terms of ending the war in Gaza, but Hamas has refused to accept these terms.
Gaza: The Israeli offensive in the Rafah area gradually took all the ground adjacent to the border between Gaza and Egypt. Over the past few days there have been reports of Israeli

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Perspectives Papers

The UN Is Against Peace

The UN decision on May 10, 2024 to upgrade the status of the Palestinian state is not surprising. It is a direct continuation of previous UN decisions, most notably that of November 29, 2012, which granted the Palestinian Authority the status of non-member observer state. Since the 1970s, there has been an almost automatic majority for anti-Israel resolutions in the UN. This majority includes Muslim countries and countries that define themselves as part of the “Global South”, such as African

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Mideast Security and Policy Studies

War With Iran: Israel’s Legal Obligation to Prevent Iranian Nuclear Weapons

Although the war in Gaza is still in its early stages, Israel must begin learning from it now. The next challenge, a war in the north, might be imminent. The primary lesson taught by the war in Gaza is that no military-size terror threat should ever again be allowed anywhere on Israel’s borders. Such threats should be removed by force on the other side of the border. A concentrated force-design process, focused on four or five plans, in addition to

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Perspectives Papers

Operation “True Promise”: Iran’s Missile Attack on Israel

Iran’s revenge missile attack on Israel on the night of April 13-14, 2024, the first-ever direct attack by Iran on Israel, was by no means a minor gesture intended to save face and cause minimal damage, as it was spun in some quarters after the event. This was a strike of unprecedented magnitude that was even more powerful than the Russian opening strike against Ukraine in 2022. The extraordinary success of Israel’s defense against the massive Iranian barrage was substantially

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IDF Spokesperson

Reconstruction of Gaza Is the Way to Regain Initiative in the Iron Swords War

Executive Summary: Israel’s wars, according to Israel’s traditional defense strategy, are aimed at thwarting and removing military threats, not at politically shaping the region. Hence our familiar focus on the military dimension. But the goal of the war in Gaza is more ambitious: the destruction of the Hamas regime. Accordingly, its realization depends on additional dimensions. A slow reconstruction of parts of Gaza based on military achievements can regain the initiative, transfer the pressure back to Hamas, and serve as

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IDF Spokesperson
Perspectives Papers

Israel’s Conduct of the War After October 7: Is This Carelessness or Wrongdoing?

Israel’s main objective in the Iron Swords War is to topple the Hamas regime – an ambitious goal that seeks to change the political-strategic reality in Gaza. To achieve it, international cooperation is required to ensure legitimacy for the new regime as well as funding for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip, establishment of its civilian administration, transfer of Gazan public servants to a new employer, de-radicalization, and internal security. The war must therefore be conducted by a coalition. Indeed,

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Revenge of the Pensioners – On the Recent Local Elections in Turkey

The local elections in Turkey at the end of March 2024 had some surprising results. Economic factors were a decisive factor in the relatively low numbers for the ruling AK Party. Pensioners, a growing demographic sector in Turkey, were frequently mentioned during the AK Party’s election campaign but were neglected in practice, which was the main reason for the AK Party’s failure. In both the near and distant term, it will now be impossible to ignore the rights of pensioners

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