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Operation Guardian of the Walls was supposed to achieve the political goal of โ€œrestoring quiet and security to Israel.โ€ Despite the IDFโ€™s spectacular exploits and extensive destruction of targets, it appears that control over the length of the quiet and the quality of Israelโ€™s security will remain in Hamasโ€™s hands, just as it was before the operation.
Hamas is probably getting the lionโ€™s share of the 268 million shekels provided by Qatar to Gaza, according to a senior Hamas official. Israel allows the transfer of this โ€œprotectionโ€ moneyโ€”but instead of giving Israel โ€œprotectionโ€, the devastating trickle of missiles from the pre-2014 period is back augmented by daily batches of incendiary balloons. Only another massive round of fighting will bring quiet to Israelโ€™s southern front.
The wedge between Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the recent Gaza conflagration is a clear sign that Israel is deepening divisions between the two terror groups. Nevertheless, the payoffs to Hamas enhance its firepower in possible future rounds, meaning that Israel has to reduce the payoffs as much as possible rather than as the center-left suggests, show largess towards Gaza.

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