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Dr. Petr Oskolkov

Dr. Petr Oskolkov is an affiliated research fellow at the Post-Soviet Conflicts Research Program (PSCRP) in BESA and Post-Doctorate researcher at Ariel University of Samaria. Previously, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the MGIMO University of International Relations and Lomonosov Moscow State University. His research focuses on ethnic politics, nationalist movements, and right-wing political parties. Dr. Oskolkov’s academic publications include two individual monographs, a number of co-edited volumes (including Transforming the Administrative Matryoshka: The Reform of Autonomous Okrugs in the Russian Federation, 2003–2008. Stuttgart, 2022), and numerous articles in peer-reviewed academic journals. Email: [email protected]

KOOS Movement in Estonia: a Lesson for Israel

PSCRP-BESA Reports No 11 (October 26, 2023)

The issue of political representation of the Russian (or rather, Russian-speaking) minority, who comprise ca. 24 percent of the population, has been a challenge for Estonia since the re-establishing of independence in 1991. …

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